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Uppförandekod för leverantörer

Code of Conduct for suppliers

1. Forced Labour

Jörns Resor's suppliers and their sub-contractors may not participate in, or benefit from, any form of forced labour including bonded labour, forced prison labour, slavery, servitude, or human trafficking. 

The suppliers must not withhold any part of any personnel's salary, benefits, property or documents (e.g.identity cards and travel documents). 

2. Child Labour

Jörns Resor's suppliers shall not engage in our support discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, caste, national or social origin, property, birth, union, affiliation, sexual orientation, health status, family responsibilities, age and disability or other distinguishing characteristics. 

3. Discrimination

Jörns Resor's suppliers shall not engage in or support discrimination on the basis of race colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, caste, national or social origin, property, birth, union affiliation, sexual orientation, health status, family responsibilities, age, and disability or other destinguishing characteristics. 

4. Freedom of Union

Jörns Resor's suppliers must not interfere with the workers' rights to form and join unions or other associations of their own choosing, and to bargain collectively. Nor shall the supplier discourage membership of unions. Workers' representatives shall not be subject to discrimination and shall be given access to employees at the workplace. The supplier must recognize elected workers' representatives and bargain in good faith with them regarding all important concerns at the workplace. 

5. Health and Safety

Jörns Resor's suppliers shall ensure that its workers are offered a safe and healthy working environment. Adequate health and safety policies and procedures must be established and followed.

The supplier shall provide its employees with the protective equipment and training necessary to perform their tasks safely. 

6. Wages and hiring

Wages paid by Jörns Resor's suppliers must meet or exceed legal minimums and/or industry standards. No illegal or unauthorized deductions from wages are allowed. 

Working hours of the employees are to be kept in line with the legal requirements and/or industry standards. 

The employees shall be granted their stipulated annual leave and sick leave without any form of repercussions. 

The employees shall be granted their stipulated maternity/paternity leave and other rights in case of pregnancy. 

7. Environment

Jörns Resors encourages partners an suppliers to minimize their negative impact on the environment and we will favour partners who:

  • Have a written environmental policy
  • Have a management system demonstrating environmental commitment and improvement 
  • Increase energy efficiency and thereby minimize pollution and waste
  • Reduce use of natural resources including through support of innovation and intergration in operations
  • Minimize CO2-emission by using eco-friendly technologies in i.e. choice of transport, air conditioning, cleaning and laundry products
  • Increase waste recycling and reuse of equipment i.e. ask guests to reuse towels and linen etc.
  • Is certified by a recognized environmental-certification scheme

8. Culture preservation an animal protection

Jörns Resor aims at maintaining cultural relevance and supports responsible tourism. The suppliers and their sub-contractors shall not engage in, or benefit from, acitivites that compromises local cultures, customs, traditions, privacy or activites with wild animals. Jörns Resor encourages partners and suppliers to actively support local culture by:

  • Informing themselves and their guest on the culture, politics and economy of the communities visited
  • Involve local people were necessary in decisions that affect their lives an life chances
  • Contribute to intercultural understanding an tolerance
  • Supporting local economies by purchasing local goods



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